
Overcoming Performance Anxiety When Participating in Writing Contests

  Writing contests draw in a wide range of authors, from established names looking for a bigger audience to new writers hoping for recognition and a chance to get published. These writing contests are a great way to show off your writing skills, but the pressure to win can make some writers nervous. This nervousness can hurt creativity and make it harder to do your best work. By understanding why writers get nervous and learning some helpful tricks, you can conquer those contest jitters and approach contests with confidence, giving yourself the best shot at success. One key factor contributing to performance anxiety is the fear of negative evaluation. The competitive nature of poetry contests can lead writers to worry about the possibility of judges disliking their work, which can paralyze creativity and lead to self-doubt. It is crucial to remember that even established authors face rejection. Consider "rejection" as an opportunity for growth allows writers to approach con

Overcoming Fear - Strategies for Submitting to Poetry Contests

    Submitting your poetry to contests can be a daunting endeavor, often accompanied by fear and self-doubt. However, overcoming these anxieties is essential for poets aiming to share their work, gain recognition, and advance in their literary careers. Let us explore strategies that help you conquer the fear associated with submitting to poetry contests and provide you with the confidence to embrace these opportunities wholeheartedly. One of the most common fears that poets encounter when considering contest submissions is the fear of rejection. The thought of having your work scrutinized by judges and potentially rejected can be intimidating. However, it is crucial to remember that rejection is a natural part of a writer's journey. Even the most celebrated poets faced rejection early in their careers. Instead of viewing rejection as a setback, consider it as a steppingstone towards growth. Each rejection can provide valuable insights and motivate you to refine your craft. To over

Tips and Tricks for Winning Poetry Competitions

Before going any deeper into this article, let no one ever lie to you that there are tricks that you can use to cheat the system and win poetry competitions . Any poetry competition that is worth its salt will have clear evaluation criteria and priority focus will be on skill. However, there are many tips that you can leverage on to become a better poet and inch yourself closer to winning competitions. The tips highlighted in this article are by no means the finality of them all. There are many other things that you may already be doing that are not listed here.  Getting yourself started  Long before you even think of submitting work into a competition, you will have probably started writing the poems. Poetry competitions provide rules and regulations whose objective is not to stifle your work and creativity but rather to standardize the output for different entrants. This makes it easier to compare work regardless of factors external to the poem such age of poet, gender, and other thi